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Happy as a Clam at High Tide!

Posted by the folks at Cow & Lizard on Oct 19th 2015

I grew up mostly on the East Coast and a common phrase we would use was "as happy as a clam at high tide".  When I came to the Midwest, not many understood this phrase.  If they thought hard about it, they would sometimes realize that clamming happens at low tide.  Anyways, I think I like still like to use this saying only to see the reaction of people.  

Another saying was "the Tide's In" meaning it was high tide.  I worked at a beach hotel during the summer and it was called The Tides Inn - how appropriate.

We have lots of ocean themed toys and gifts for toddlers and preschoolers.  

Babies will love the squeaky seahorse from Kathe Kruse.  It is soft and bright - a perfect soft toy for getting babies attention.

Kathe Kruse Squeaky Seahorse

Innovative Kids has a line of Groovy Tubes which is a book with a tube on the spine that contains small figures.  THe book is filled with games, activities and stories.  Lots of fun and lots to do!

Groovy Tubes Sea Splash

Make mealtime more colorful an fun with this placemat by Crocodile Creek.

Under the Sea Placemat by Crocodile Creek