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TuTus, Tights and Little Ballerinas

Posted by The Folks at Cow & Lizard! on Jul 14th 2015

Blonde Ballerina doll by NA Bear

Ballet is a common interest for young girls.  As a child, I wanted to be a dancer and started taking ballet classes.  My Grandmother who I called Mormor (Swedish for mother's mother) made me a special outfit from pink and white gingham fabric with white eyelet lace.  I can still picture that outfit so many years later - won't say how many.  I felt so proud to be wearing that special handmade outfit with my white tights and pink ballet slippers.  All the other girls had the leotards and tutus - they all looked alike - but I was different and stood out.  The classroom was magical to me with the bars and all the mirrors to watch your every move. When it came time for the recitals - it was a time to show off.  It was alot of fun but unfortunately, my family moved away and we never found another ballet school for me to continue.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.  Years later when I was in High School, we moved into a rental that the owner had a ballet studio on the third floor.  There was a separate entrance that she would teach classes in the evening.  We could hear the pitter patter of the little feet above us.  On weekends, my friends and I would go up there and goof around - dancing, twirling, trying to get our legs up on the bar.  It was a secret little hideaway - but we only lived there a year.  

One of my favorite toys as a girl was a ballerina doll that was probably about 2 feet tall.  I wish I could remember her name - it probably is worth alot of money now.  She wasn't a soft doll, but stood stiff and she had a crown on her head with something in the middle.  I could hold that and she would turn on her toes.  Pretty in Pink - my little friend the Ballerina.

We have a large selection of Ballerina dolls in our store - all different shapes, sizes and colors.